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PSLifestyle Living Labs & Stakeholder Workshops

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What are the PSLifestyle Living Labs?

The PSLifestyle Living Labs bring together European residents to co-create and shape visions of a good life with the environment in mind, as well as design solutions for making such visions a reality!

The PSLifestyle Living Labs were established in the 8 project pilot countries: Estonia, Finland, Greece, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey. Through local engagement in the Living Labs, PSLifestyle aims to address the challenges faced and take advantage of the opportunities available within communities, when it comes to living more sustainably. The Living Labs were undertaken throughout 2022-2023 to further co-develop and improve the Lifestyle Test - a consumption-based carbon footprint calculator that allows users to not only measure their carbon footprint but also to take actions and track their progress towards minimising it. The exchanges with the participants were embedded into the web app to increase its appeal and usability for European residents.

What was discussed? 

Over the course of six meetings, between April 2022 and March 2023, and together with other community members, local residents had the opportunity to: 

  • Speak about the challenges they face in their cities, more generally, and when striving to live more sustainably, with the focus on 4 key areas: food, mobility, housing, and general consumption.
  • Co-design solutions and everyday actions that address those challenges and that lead to more sustainable living.
  • Talk about barriers that could make the implementation of those solutions difficult and opportunities that could speed up a wider roll out.
  • Develop recommendations of social, economic, political, and other areas that address key actors, such as policymakers and businesses, who could support making the jointly shaped visions of a good life a reality.


What are our Stakeholder Workshops?

The PSLifestyle project is set to continue its path towards co-creating positive and sustainable lifestyles by initiating additional workshops in the eight countries during 2024. Starting this Autumn, the local partners of the PSLifestyle project will run EU and national stakeholder workshops with the aim of showcasing the Lifestyle Test and Database, disseminating project results, and showing how the test and dataset can be used to co-design solutions to facilitate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles. Scientific findings and data collected through the use of the Lifestyle Test will be shared and presented with stakeholders from Academia, Civil Society, Governments and Industry in the 8 project countries - Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Germany, Finland, Turkey, Portugal and Estonia. As well as raising awareness on the project insights, the workshops will collect participants' feedback and ideas on new potential business models, policy solutions, civil society initiatives and research that could help the implementation of positive and sustainable lifestyles.

If you belong to any of these groups and are interested in participating to the workshops, feel free to contact us


European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.