Cristina Galletti
Cristina Galletti holds Master’s degrees in Politics & Project Cycle Management and a Bachelor degree in Communication. With 7+ years of experience in European projects, Cristina follows both the implementation and the reporting of the company tasks & activities in the PSLifestyle project.

Ramona Aiello
Ramona Aiello holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Design (University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture) and a Bachelor degree in Industrial Design (University of Florence). Co-Designer, expert in Design Thinking and Communication Management with 10 years of professional experience, in the PSLifestyle project, she is in charge of all the co-design activities for the pilot experience in Italy.

Gregory Eve
Gregory Eve holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering (University of Florence, Italy) and an MSc in Environmental Management and Policy (Lund University, Sweden). As GAPES CEO, he is responsible for the institutional relations of the company. Gregory also closely follows the development of GAPES products and services, taking care of translating sustainability topics in engaging features and accessible content. In the PSLifestyle project, he coordinates the team activities.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.