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Co-Creating a Positive and Sustainable Lifestyle Test with and for European Residents

PSLifestyle is closing the gap between climate awareness and individual action! PSLifestyle will inspire you to adopt a positive, sustainable, and healthier lifestyle by helping you reduce your environmental impact. Come and join PSLifestyle and help us shape visions of positive and better lifestyles!

How will this be done?

The Lifestyle Test will help you get informed about the environmental impact of your day-to-day activities and will inspire you to think about your current habits and how they could be changed through smart, everyday actions. On the web app you will get the chance to develop your personalised plans and keep track of your progress!

How can you participate?

The Lifestyle Test was co-created with residents in a series of Living Labs workshops hosted in eight European countries: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, and Turkey. Through the Living Labs individuals engaged with other locals in their communities, and were able to help design the Lifestyle Test by assessing its features for further improvements, including its functions and design as well as the country-specific lifestyle suggestions.

The PSLifestyle project is set to continue its path towards co-creating positive and sustainable lifestyles by initiating additional workshops in the eight countries during 2024. They will aim to collect local insights and innovative solutions on how to best deploy the Lifestyle Test throughout the EU as well as further identifying local and topical customisation needs, such as incorporating biodiversity aspects. Stay tuned! 

    Our PSLifestyle goals are to:

    • Inspire and equip you to adopt lasting sustainable and healthy habits for a good life!
    • Organise Living Labs so you can contribute to developing the Lifestyle Test.
    • Co-develop an online tool that enables you to adopt a positive, sustainable, and healthier lifestyle.
    • Enable further research and climate actions across Europe.


    Read our flyer in English Read our flyer in Estonian Read our flyer in German

    Read our flyer in Greek  Read our flyer in Italian Read our flyer in Portuguese

    Read our flyer in Slovene Read our flyer in Turkish Read our Finnish Tampere flyer

    Read our Finnish Turku & Raisio flyer Read our Finnish Lappeenranta flyer (in English)


    European Union

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.