
PSLifestyle Living Labs continue this September in the City of Ljubljana!

11 August 2022

PSLifestyle Living Labs continue this September in the City of Ljubljana!

It’s been hot and busy summer for the PSLifestyle team in Slovenia!Circular Changeand the City of Ljubljana have been intensively preparing for a lively working autumn that will bring us one step closer to the final version of the PSL tool.

After meeting and getting to know the Living Lab Ljubljana participants, learning about their views on sustainable lifestyle, and collecting their very valuable feedback on the first (beta) version of the online carbon footprint calculator of our PSL online app in the first two meetings of the Living Lab, with our international partners we jumped into preparation of the agenda for the autumn sessions #3 and #4 of the lab.

During the workshops that will take place at City Museum Ljubljanaon September 28th and November 9th, we will co-create 100 smart everyday actions – ideas, challenges, everyday smart solutions that the application will suggest to the user based on her/his answers in the carbon calculator and overall results, in order to lower their carbon footprint. With these actions we aimto encourage and inspire to change their habits and lifestyle to be more positive and sustainable, while raising awareness about the environmental impacts of our day-to-day behaviors and choices.

Just like the carbon footprint test itself, smart solutions relate to four areas – living, mobility, food and other consumption. The participants will help create the suggestions in a way that they are clear, understandable, and relevant in the local Slovenian context and meaningfully connected to the user's test result.

But of course, it is not all just work! We invited a super inspiring guest speaker who will take us on a journey of discovery of KonMari method of organizing your home – transforming your life.

We are excited to see everyone again in September! Participation by invite only, but feel free to apply here.

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European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.