The PSLifestyle project will run local Living Labs in 8 European countries: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey. These local pilots will contribute to and promote the PSLifestyle tool development as well as generate a list of customized Smart Everyday Actions for sustainable living.

Tallinn has recently adopted Tallinn 2035, an ambitious plan for the Estonian capital to enable a greener and healthier lifestyle for its citizens. In response, Tallinn was designated as the European Green Capital in 2023.

The Finnish city Tampere aims to be carbon neutral by 2030. Tampere has ambitions to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. To achieve this, the Sustainable Tampere 2030 programme has compiled a roadmap with six overarching themes: urban planning, mobility, construction, energy, consumption and nature.

In response to its co-created Athens Resilience Strategy, Athens was the first city in Greece to develop an integrated climate action plan to help the city and its citizens tackle climate change. The aim of the long term plan is to enable Athens to be a liveable, attractive and creative city.

The Italian pilot will have a large regional deployment: the city of Milan, which has recently adopted the Air and Climate Plan (Piano Aria e Clima) to reduce air pollution and respond to the global climate emergency. The city of Parma, which is actively working on the promotion of sustainable lifestyles, with a great focus on sustainable mobility choices. The Tuscany Region, in line with the efforts to engage civil society in its Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development in support of Agenda 2030.

In the past decades, Portugal has taken great steps in reducing its carbon emissions. Between 2004 and 2016 it reduced its emissions by 26%, with a 50% reduction target by 2030. Porto and Lisbon have been examples of reducing transport emissions by advancing electric and hybrid vehicles in its public transportation and municipality fleet.

Ljubljana is a city with a vision. Since 2007, the Slovenian city has promoted Ljubljana 2025, emphasizing its spatial and social values. In honour of the significant sustainable transformations the city has made in the last two decades, Ljubljana won the title of European Green Capital in 2016.

Izmir has a vision to provide a cleaner and more sustainable environment to future generations. In addition to committing to a 40 percent emissions reduction by 2030, the Turkish city actively contributes to the reduction of emissions through environmental investments in areas such as renewable energy, transportation, and waste management.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.